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Our Opportunities

Our technology allows core body temperature to be recorded seamlessly and continuously, as well as providing audio feedback to the user(s) whenever necessary . This open doors to how we can use this streaming temperature information to help diverse groups of people. There are countless possibilities by which our innovation can be applied, ranging from early detection of impending heat illnesses, to patient recovery or fever monitoring.


Here are some possible applications by which our technology can be used as a health monitoring or early warning system so that prompt action can be taken to advance health, save lives, or even to augment the probability of bringing a new life into the world.


Heat Exposed Occupations

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There are many heat exposed occupations that risk heat related injuries on the job if precautions are not taken. Some examples of these jobs include firefighters, construction workers, landscapers, shipbuilders and roughnecks. Additionally there are other jobs that require working in hot conditions in enclosed spaces e.g. wielders, below ground sanitation workers, miners, even some kitchen staff. To prevent any heat stress related injuries, regular breaks and hydration is needed to maintain their well being. The work environment fluctuates and sometimes worsens without the workers being aware and some may get impacted if not mitigated early. They would need a form of monitoring device to alert them if their CBT rises above the healthy range.


Outdoor Sports

As climate change is impacting the world we live in, it is becoming more important to keep track of the CBT of over motivated sportsmen/women exposed to the outdoor heat as they train hard. Sports like athletics, tennis, golf, marathons, including National Service men doing their IPPT may need to monitor their CBT to operate within healthy range. As it exceeds the range, alerts could be given out to slow down or medical assistance can be alerted quickly. Many times, this can be overlooked until heat related injuries like heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and even heat stroke impacts the sportsperson. Currently there is no straightforward way to keep a track on their heat vitals that may impact their performance.

If these is a coach overseeing these trainees, they would also like to monitor their body temperature as they go through the rigors of training.



Nursing Homes / Hospital Wards


Currently, temperature taking and recording is a manual process in these establishments. The nurse will go on their rounds to take each patient's or resident's point based temperature a couple of times a day to ensure their temperature is within the normal range. This is not very productive but the only option today. It is time consuming and current automated methods are cumbersome, costly, and invasive. If it is accurate, easy to administer, continuous, non-invasive monitoring the CBT can be automated and consolidated in a central dashboard. As it is collected digitally, the information can be represented digitally in chart form allowing doctors another dimension of their patient or resident health faster. 


Fever Monitoring for Home Recovery

When someone has a fever and is quarantined at home by the doctor, fever monitoring becomes an important vital sign to access the condition of the patient at any point in time. Today the temperature is taken manually by the patient to report back to the doctor or nurses overseeing them every few hours. If the temperature rises, the doctor needs to be alerted as the prescription may not be working and need to be re-evaluated. If the temperature is declining, it shows the patient is recovering and when it returns to normal, the patient can stop the prescriptions. 

When the patient, sees the doctor via video link, currently the doctor will need certain vitals to be taken manually and reported back. What if the CBT and other vitals can be taken continuously automatically collected and presented to the doctor, it will improve accuracy and productivity of doctor to diagnose or prescribe more effectively. 



Ovulation and Temperature

Doctor Talking To Patient

There is a link between the menstrual cycle and the female body temperature. Basal body temperature (also known as BBT) is the body’s lowest resting temperature. A change in hormones around ovulation causes this to rise. Measuring BBT to identify ovulation gives you unique insights into your fertile window, in turn giving you increased control over your fertility. There are many things that can affect the timing of ovulation, so relying on calendar dates to know where you are in your cycle may not be as exact. 
It is noted that before ovulation, a woman's average resting temperature is between 97°F (36.1°C) and 97.5°F (36.4°C). After ovulation, average BBT increases to between 97.6°F (36.4°C) and 98.6°F (37°C). If a woman is pregnant, this temperature rise will stay high. However, if a woman isn’t pregnant, it will drop again, causing her to get her period, and so a new cycle begins.


Integrating with Apps

Running apps, coaching apps, cycling apps, tele medicine apps can take advantage of an accurate, continuous temperature monitoring device to help keep subscribers apprise of their CBT condition whilst they use the apps. It could give warning of impending heat stress and advise the subscriber to slow down or speed up if the body is in the healthy range before the exercise. 

Image by William Hook

it does not stop here, there are more opportunities to come, we have not even explored how it can assist AI in medicine, stay tuned.

If you have an idea or see a gap in your area that needs to monitor core body temperature (CBT) continuously, let's explore together if it is feasible, send us an email, we look forward to possible collaboration

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